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More than meets the eye: Pharmaceutical Packaging and Diagnostic Consumables supporting your performance

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The global diagnostics and consumable market is changing fundamentally. The capabilities and expertise needed to stay ahead of these changes will require a commitment to understanding both complex economic and technological issues. Among the many challenges in managing this complexity, is the coordination and integration of multiple suppliers in the development of a consumable. In an effort, to address this challenge, SCHOTT is building an expertise toward its goal to be a full-service global leader in diagnostic consumables manufacturing. 

Ampoules, vials, cartridges, syringes - a multitude of containers exist to package parenteral drugs. But it's more than just packaging, especially sensitive biotech drugs need to be protected: from filling until injection. Drug-container interaction can have a major impact regarding activity & safety of the drug, due to extractables & leachables, glass delamination, protein adsorption, denaturation or aggregation. New cell- and gene therapies pose additional challenges when it comes to cryo storage – we know there’s more than what meets the eye and offer a broad portfolio of primary packaging options.

In this workshop, we will show how SCHOTT is expanding its capabilities as a comprehensive and capable partner in consumables solutions. In addition, we would like to talk with you about primary packaging possibilities to keep drug products stable over shelf-life, to ensure efficient processing during fill & finish and to handle supply chain. 


13:00 - networking and lunch
13:45 - presentation
15:00 - working groups
16:30 - presentation & discussion of outcomes
17:00 - end of the workshop



James Downs

Business Development Manager

SCHOTT Technical Glass Solutions GmbH


Dr. James Downs is the global business development manager for SCHOTT Nexterion in Jena, Germany, a leader in molecular diagnostic consumables solutions for microarray and microfluidic applications. He is responsible for global business development, which includes strategy, and strategic partnership development.  Joining SCHOTT in 2018, his 20+ year international life-science career has included eleven years with Pfizer Pharmaceuticals in sales and management capacities as well as seven years managing a series of biotechnology and medical device startups in Europe. James holds an MBA and a Doctorate in Economics from HHL in Leipzig, Germany. He has published multiple papers on innovation in highly knowledge-intensive industries.


Fabian Stöcker

Vice President Global Strategy & Innovation

SCHOTT AG, Business Unit Pharmaceutical Systems


Fabian, having joint SCHOTT AG in 2012, is Vice President Global Strategy & Innovation for the SCHOTT Business Unit Pharmaceutical Systems Within the management team he is responsible for strategy, product management, product development, IP management and market intelligence covering ampoules, cartridges, pre-filled syringes and vials for injectable use. 
Prior to this, he was heading the corporate strategy department of SCHOTT AG being responsible for corporate development, strategic planning and portfolio management of the whole group.

Before joining SCHOTT, Fabian worked as a project manager at PriceWaterhouseCoopers AG focusing the pharma/life science, biotech and chemical industries where he advised international clients on strategy definition and implementation, reorganization and restructuring, M&A transactions, commercial and financial due diligence, company valuation, financial reporting valuation and impairment testing.
Fabian has profound expertise dealing with strategic as well as operational challenges and a long-standing experience leading international and cross-functional teams. His structured and pragmatic approach balances required results with entrepreneurial spirit and cultural needs.



Diana Löber

Global Product Manager Vials

SCHOTT AG, Business Unit Pharmaceutical Systems


Diana studied business administration and communication in Mainz. After an internship at Merck Millipore, she completed a 2-years trainee program from 2013 – 2015  in Product Management in the medical devices business (Ottobock HealthCare), including training on-the-job in different departments, also abroad. Followed by an employment as a Portfolio Manager within the Business Unit Development Prosthetics. Since 2018, Diana acts as Global Product Manager Vials in the Strategy & Innovation department at SCHOTT Pharmaceutical Systems. 



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