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Think Tank - Data Exchange

In hospitals and research institutes enormous amounts of data are generated on a daily basis, but we are far from using the full potential of this wealth. This holds true for research results but is even more pronounced when it comes to clinical data and samples.
Several members of BioRN have identified this issue and a think thank was accordingly created. 
Facilitation of an exchange in this area and of cooperation between academia and industry in general would greatly benefit both patients and research output. What is more, clear concepts for health data usage and collaborations are key to a successful biotech cluster and if implemented right will give such clusters a competitive advantage.
1.    Raise awareness for relevance of topic
2.    Identify opinion leaders that want to support the initiative
3.    Enable and facilitate “cultural” change regarding collaborations both in academia and industry 
4.    Identify solutions and models that facilitate data exchange and collaborations in the region 
a fact sheet helping both academic and industry representatives with clear guidelines as to which processes are in place and which steps must be taken to sign an agreement
MEMBERS of the Think Tank
Giovanna Bergamini (GSK)
Martin Dugas (Heidelberg University Hospital)
Magnus von Knebel Döberitz (Heidelberg University Hospital)
Philipp Mann (OWKIN)
Mario Richter (AbbVie)
Peter Schirmacher (Heidelberg University Hospital)
Andreas Schmidt (Singleron Biotechnologies)
Martin Urban (Boehringer Ingelheim)
Friedemann Loos
Innovation Manager



Data protection: Methodology for "de-facto anonymization" of personal data developed in the context of IMI Harmony Grant >>
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