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The BioRN Espresso is the meeting place to meet, discuss and cooperate with peers.
It is a structured way to exchange on general operational topics of high relevance for SMEs.

The concept is to share hands-on experiences and solutions to common challenges


Do you want to lead one of the discussions?

Contact us and share your idea!

Join our BioRN Espresso

April 25 @ 9 - 10.30 am

Fit for Sustainability Reporting -

Praxistipps für  die erfolgreiche Berichterstattung von KMU

Die Richtlinie über die Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung von Unternehmen (CSRD) modernisiert und verschärft die Regeln über die Berichtspflicht von Unternehmen zu sozialen und ökologischen Maßnahmen. 


Ein breiterer Kreis von Großunternehmen sowie börsennotierte KMU sind nun verpflichtet, über Nachhaltigkeit zu berichten.  

Für KMU stehen dabei folgende Fragen und Herausforderungen im Fokus:


  • Welchem rechtlichen Rahmen unterliegen Unternehmen bei der Umsetzung Nachhaltigkeitsstrategien?

  • Wie steigern Investitionen in Nachhaltigkeitskonzepte den Unternehmenswert?

  • Welche konkreten Maßnahmen können schnell und kostengünstig umgesetzt werden?


Unsere Experten vermitteln die wichtigen Schritte auf dem Weg zu einer erfolgreichen Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung und zeigen Ihnen, welche notwendigen Maßnahmen eingeleitet werden müssen. 


Dr. Christina Eschenfelder - Partnerin Rittershaus Rechtsanwälte PartmbB, Sustainability Reporting Advisor (EBS)

"Sustainable Corporate Governance"


Dr. Daniel Pehle - Consultant, Mazars München

“Nachhaltigkeit und Unternehmenswert“ 


Dr. Nadine Nonnenmacher - Bereich Energie, Umwelt, Innovation, IHK Rhein-Neckar

"Unterstützungsangebote der IHK Rhein-Neckar“ 



Past BioRN Espresso:


November 16, 2023 –  "Sustainability - Are sustainabiligy, safety and quality in a lab compatible?".  

​Impulse Talks from:

  • ​Kerstin-Hermuth-Kleinschmidt, Sustainability Consultant, NIUB Nachhaltigkeitsberatung

  • Marta Rodriguez Martinez, Scientific Officer/Sustainability Officer, EMBL

  • Jim Bratherton, Program Manager, Thermo Fisher Scientific


July 4th, 2023  –  "Discovering New Talents with Innovative Recruiting Tools".  

​Impulse Talks from:

  • ​Matthias Ruhland, COO, The metagame AI  

  • Johann Liebeton, ScieMatch - bts Studierendeninitiative e.V.

  • Luca Planert, CEO, career.bee UG

  • Naz Nakam, MRN GmbH

  • Flavia Bianca Christian, BioMed X Institut


March 2023 - Battle for talents? Boost your recruiting success with ‘Perfect match’ and ‘positive psychology’ strategies.

Impulse Talks from:

  • Thomas Winter (Genius Search)

  • Linda Kirchner (Yumab)


December 2022 - Is GDPR really the obstacle for data exchange as commonly claimed?

Impulse Talks from:

  • Barbara Tomasi, Data Protection Officer, MyData-Trust

  • Melanie Börries, Institut für Med. Bioinformatik und Systemmedizin, University Hospital Freiburg


May 2022 - What is in it for me? Why engage in industry collaborations centered on clinical data.

Impulse Talks from:

  • Oyunaa von Stackelberg, Head of Research and Policy at Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology - University Hospital Heidelberg

  • Matthias P. A. Ebert, Director  II. Medizinische Klinik - University Clinic Mannheim 


February 2022 –  Access to patient data and samples: Different perspectives and main issues'

Impulse Talks from:

  • Peter Schirmacher - Director of the Institute of Pathology - Heidelberg University Hospital

  • Andreas Schmidt - CEO - Proteona

  • Philipp Mann - Senior Partnership Manager - Owkin


September 2021 –  Home office, Office or both? The future of work is hybrid!'

Impulse Talks from:

  • Annette Sättele, Partner, Labour and Employment Law Specialist - RITTERSHAUS Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaftsgesellschaft mbB

  • Katarina Bohm - Sales Manager Pharma Biotech - Promega GmbH

  • Susanne Huber - Human Resources Manager - Promega GmbH


June 2021 –  ‘Digitalisation as innovation motor for small and medium-sized enterprises?' 

Impulse Talks from:

  • Katja Betts (PROGEN), Managing Director

  • Lisa Held (HWI pharma services GmbH), Expert Pharmacovigilance

  • Annette Deichmann (GeneWerk), Managing Director


September 2020 –  ‘Having difficulties getting access to your market?' Moderated by Susanne Kuhlendahl (marcommotion) Communication & Marketing Expert

Impulse Talks from:

  • Veronique Schwarz (faCellitate), Venture Team Leader

  • George Badescu (Heidelberg Pharma), Business Development

  • Fior Casilag (PEPperPRINT), Business Development


June 2020 –  ‘Business Development and Partnering: opportunities and challenges during pandemic times.’ Moderated by Jürgen Gamer, VP Business Development Apogenix AG & BioRN Strategic Board

Impulse Talks from:

  • Thomas Hegendoerfer, New Ventures Lead in Germany for J&J Innovation & BioRN Strategic Board

  • Frank Hensel, Investment Manager, High-Tech Gründerfonds

  • Rainer Wessel, Director Innovation Management, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) & BioRN Strategic Board


Read Press Release


April 2020 –  ‘Reacting to Covid-19 pandemic’: How emerging biotechs and small biopharmaceutical companies are dealing with it? Moderated by Volker Stadler, CEO - PEPperPRINT GmbH & BioRN Executive Board

​Impulse Talks from:

  • ​Claus Kremoser, CEO - Phenex Pharmaceuticals AG & BioRN Executive Board

  • Christoph Schröder, CEO - Sciomics GmbH

  • Oliver Bosnjak, CEO - Biomex GmbH

  • Andreas Kempff, Managing Director - Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) Rhine-Neckar


Read Press Release






BioRN Network e.V.

Im Neuenheimer Feld 584

D-69120 Heidelberg



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BioRN is the science and industry innovation cluster in the Rhine-Main-Neckar region, one of Germany’s strongest biotech and life science hubs in Germany. It is a non-profit network fostering health innovations and serving its members by creating a rich translational ecosystem as well as promoting, representing and connecting the regional innovation stakeholders. 

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"Making Life Science matter...

...and Innovation happen!"

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