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Workshops I Seminars I Lectures

November 22nd, 2022

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​Computer-Augmented Molecular Design Enabling Biotech Companies to Accelerate the Drug Discovery Process

The development of clinical drug candidates is very challenging and resource-intensive, especially in the early stages of a company. In this Lunch & Learn, we will showcase how powerful physics-based methods, as well as the use of machine/deep learning algorithms, can accelerate the preclinical discovery and development process of small and large molecules to save resources.

May 19th, 2022


NEW WORK: Flexibilisation of working frameworks & current labour law requirements - digital -

Our working world has changed massively, and not only because of the Corona pandemic. This "New Work" is characterised by the fact that the classic work specifications are changing and employees are demanding more flexibility in their working relationship. This flexibilisation concerns both the place of work, but also the location and scope of working time as well as the performance of work. In this regard, there are fundamental and current labour law requirements to be observed, which the experts from Mazars would like to explain to us in more detail. 

July 13th, 2021


Biotech am Tipping point

EY Deutscher Biotechnologie-Report 2021

& SPRIN-D Challenge

Während der Pandemie ist die Innovationskraft insbesondere der deutschen Biotech-Firmen eindrucksvoll sichtbar geworden. Damit steht die Biotechnologie an einem Wendepunkt, an einem „Tipping Point“, wie es der Deutsche Biotechnologie-Report 2021 von EY beschreibt. 

June 22nd, 2021, 1 pm

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The value of AI-driven Computational Modeling

for BioTechs 

The development of clinical drug candidates is very challenging and resource-intensive, especially in the early stages of a company. In this talk, we will showcase how powerful physics-based methods as well as the use of machine/deep learning algorithms can outperform wet lab techniques to save resources in the preclinical development of small and large molecules. 

Oct 20th, 2020, 2 pm

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Document Collaboration: How to improve your authoring and review processes in Life Sciences?

This webinar will focus on the collaborative processes for writing and reviewing Life Sciences documents such as Scientific Articles, Clinical Study Protocols, Clinical Study Reports, Due diligence dossiers, Grant Applications, Contracts, Proposals, Agreements, Patents, etc.
We will discuss the common pitfalls, pain points and bottlenecks in the collaboration processes of developing these types of documents, including how to identify and avoid them.

July 8th, 2020, 9 am

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No surprises: secure drug effectiveness and safety with SCHOTT vials 
- already at early development stages


When developing a drug or a formulation, the interaction with the container can have a major impact on drug effectiveness and its safety. To avoid surprises, such as delamination, protein adsorption, -aggregation or even –denaturation, at late development stages, drug-container interaction should be taken in consideration at the early R&D stages. In addition, the availability of small quantities is a common hurdle to consider during early phases.

June 18th, 2020


IP and Artificial Intelligence

Patent search in R&D processes and innovation is not necessary evil but can be an helpful companion even to further develop a new business idea. The webinar will introduce different types of patent search and its timing within an R&D process. 
Moreover, with artificial intelligence (AI) acquiring a relevant role in all fields of technology, the webinar will address options and challenges in protecting intellectual property arising through the application of AI in interdisciplinary R&D projects.


Experts from “Recherche und Beratung” and patent attorneys at “ULLRICH & NAUMANN” will present the topic and discuss with participants.

May 18th, 2020

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Good Translational Practice
Welche Hebel senken das Risiko im Innovationsprozess?
EY Deutscher Biotechnologie-Report 2020

Online-Vorstellung des Reports durch

Dr. Siegfried Bialojan, Executive Director, Life Science Center Mannheim

February 12th, 2020

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Die Förderwelt ist um ein schlagkräftiges Instrument reicher: Die Forschungszulage.

Seit dem 1. Januar 2020 ist die deutsche Förderlandschaft für Forschung und Entwicklung (FuE) um ein Instrument reicher – die sogenannte „Forschungszulage“. Grundlage hierfür ist das „Gesetz zur steuerlichen Förderung von Forschung und Entwicklung (FZulG)“, das pünktlich zum neuen Jahr in Kraft getreten ist. Mit der Einführung der Forschungszulage besteht für Unternehmen in Deutschland erstmalig ein Rechtsanspruch auf Förderung von FuE-Tätigkeiten. 

November 26th, 2019

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More than meets the eye: Pharmaceutical Packaging and Diagnostic Consumables supporting your performance

Pharmaceutical packaging and the development of molecular diagnostic consumables are two areas where the capabilities and knowledge behind the manufacturing processes play a critical role in product performance. This can include optimization of a drug’s activity or increasing the sensitivity of a diagnostic test. In this workshop, we would like to talk with you about what is important in both areas. The content of the workshop will be amended based on your needs. Which challenges are you facing?

July 9th, 2019 


Compliance: Business Support oder regulatorische Notwendigkeit?

Ein Workshop zum Thema Compliance in der Biotechnologie mit Fokus auf praktische Aspekte. Vortrag von Olga Kaus, Head of Compliance bei Affimed GmbH und anschließende Diskussionsrunde mit weiteren Experten.


April 4th, 2019

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Smart Drug Development & Design from Candidate to Phase I

This event focused on key considerations for transitioning a molecule from discovery to phase 1 readiness including API and formulation development, pharmacokinetics, quality and CMC requirements, and incorporation of clinical supply services solutions to meet protocol, clinical site and patient needs.

February 28th, 2019

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Fundraising and Valuation Boot Camp

In preparation for the first Redefining Early Stage Investments (RESI) conference to be held in Europe, Life Science Nation and Venture Valuation offered a Bootcamp addressing key topics for early-stage life science companies.

November 15th, 2018

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Pathways to Pre-Clinical Development Success

This event introduced technical and regulatory strategies for pre-clinical development, with a focus on biologicals and advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs).

The workshop has been led by ERA Consulting experts.

October 2nd, 2018

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Sell Your Science

Best Practices for Developing an Effective Non-Confidential Pitch Deck. It can be tricky to communicate the full potential of your discoveries without spilling the secret sauce. Join us for a session on learning the tricks of the trade in a non-confidential deck and executive summary. Experts of the craft will share practical tips on becoming more effective in communicating your story to investors, increasing your chances of successful fundraising.

The event has been co-organised with Johnson & Johnson Innovation, JLABS

June 13th, 2018

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Biobanking Workshop

Together with our member RITTERSHAUS Rechtsanwälte, BioRN organised a Biobanking Workshop with the aim to provide a compact overview about the current development of legislation in the field of biobanking.

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