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Venture capital investor

We are an international venture capital investor with offices in Zug and Munich, are owner-managed and invest our own wealth. We seek to make a positive contribution to society through sustainable, meaningful investments.

OCCIDENT invests in innovative startups with excellent technologies in the field of life sciences, digital and high-tech with broad application possibilities and the potential for further value-generating developments. The geographic focus is Germany and Switzerland. The preferred stage for initial financing is from seed rounds or later and from 0.5 million Euros. OCCIDENT distinguishes itself in particular by its in-depth knowledge of the technology and the versatile support offered to its portfolio companies by its competent team of experts.



BioRN Network e.V.

Im Neuenheimer Feld 584

D-69120 Heidelberg



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BioRN is the science and industry innovation cluster in the Rhine-Main-Neckar region, one of Germany’s strongest biotech and life science hubs in Germany. It is a non-profit network fostering health innovations and serving its members by creating a rich translational ecosystem as well as promoting, representing and connecting the regional innovation stakeholders. 

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"Making Life Science matter...

...and Innovation happen!"

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