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Professional Service & Consulting


Drug development consulting

BAST enables its clients to make informed decisions and mitigate risks by providing state of the art modelling and simulation support. BAST provides fit for purpose pharmacometrics consultancy services ranging from stand-alone data analyses to long-term strategic project support leading to NDA submissions. The members of BAST are qualified in a wide range of application areas ranging from non-compartmental PK analysis to quantitative system pharmacology models. 
By capturing project knowledge in a continuum of mathematical models, BAST is able to predict the outcome of the next development steps. Thus, facilitating decision making and allowing clients to make optimal, model-based, decisions.  



BioRN Network e.V.

Im Neuenheimer Feld 584

D-69120 Heidelberg



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BioRN is the science and industry innovation cluster in the Rhine-Main-Neckar region, one of Germany’s strongest biotech and life science hubs in Germany. It is a non-profit network fostering health innovations and serving its members by creating a rich translational ecosystem as well as promoting, representing and connecting the regional innovation stakeholders. 

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"Making Life Science matter...

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