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Mazars guiding SME´s with their expertise in the health and life science sector

On September 19th we met with Sebastian Cornelius Retter, Partner and Julia Kleinschmidt, Senior Associate at Mazars, a leading international audit, tax and advisory firm with a dedicated expertise in the Healthcare and Life-Science sector.

With the newly formed dtXca alliance, a "one-stop store for life science customers" the team around Sebastian aims to offer professional advice from the leading companies in the field for all market participants in the area. One focus here is the know-how in the context of approval procedures and price negotiations for digital products, as well as in-depth knowlede of the health care market.

Sebastian and Julia emphasized not only their expertise but also there passion: Working with SME´s means for them a very partnership-based consulting in which they act as a guiding light.

Discover how they can support you in the full interview on-demand

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