Heidelberg, 03.05.2019
This week, the BioRN Lounge hosted Laura Hausmanns, Managing Director of GELITA MEDICAL. As usual it was the occasion for life science companies as well for scientists from our research institutes, to meet and chat about latest news and achievements. The BioRN Lounge is the prime monthly networking event for BioRN members. It is the occasion for exchange, meeting and interaction in a very relaxed atmosphere with some drinks and food. As tradition, an invited speaker from the network presents and discusses with the participants, scientific trends, outbreaking techniques, outstanding research and more.
GELITA MEDICAL provides suitable products to surgical experts by identifying continuously customer needs and creating novel absorbable hemostats device to ensure a fast and efficient hemostasis.
Worldwide, the medical device market grew 6% in 2018, corresponding to new 110.000 devices entering the market. Interestingly the medical device market is a niche for small enterprises. In Germany, more then 11.000 companies producing medical devices have less than 20 employee (: BVMed-Jahresbericht 2018 / 19), and GELITA MEDICAL is one of those.
As a matter of course, the new European medical device regulation will be certainly a big burden for these companies. Laura Hausmanns explained the currently used marketing strategy at GELITA MEDICAL to address at best the problem and contain costs without hampering innovation.
Laura Hausmanns also reflected on the concept of innovation in relation to success, and whether innovation is enough for a company to be successful. Interestingly it has been shown that the most crucial factor is timing. The innovative idea is only on third place together with a good investment and after the team behind the product.
Our next BioRN lounge will be on May 28 as usual in the Kasselhaus by Urban Kitchen and will host Patrick Maier, head of the administration office of the Research Campus M²OLIE.