Heidelberg, 26.06.2019
Yesterday, BioRN hosted a very hot but special Lounge: six Biotech, Medtech and Digital Health startups had the opportunity to present their products and projects in front of a crowed audience.
The BioRN Lounge is the prime monthly networking event for BioRN members. It is the occasion for exchange, meeting and interaction in a very relaxed atmosphere with some drinks and food. This time we partnered with EIT Health Germany and invited their startups to join the event, either in the audience or as speakers.
The European Health Catapult is a yearly executed training and competition programme organised by EIT Health in cooperation with Health Axis Europe, that boosts the development of top-notch European health start-ups through exposure to leading experts and international investors. A pre-selection amongst the applicants in the three categories has been made now by each European region, based on a common set of criteria. In total 42 start-ups and young companies across these three categories will proceed to the Semi-Finals. The finalists of the D.A.CH. region showcased their business ideas and models at our BioRN Lounge.
Ares genetics aims at taking infectious disease testing to the next level. Portabiles, with its main product GaitLab is active in preventing fall and providing support for example to Parkinson’s patients by continuous gait analysis. Advitos is bridging life with ADVanced Multi Organ Support (ADVOS), that significantly improves survival of patients with Multi Organ support on the intensive Care Unit. Munevo is empowering disable persons with a smart glass-based control for wheelchairs. MukoCell has developed an innovative and gentle method for the surgical repair of urethral strictures, based on an autologous cell transplant. PerioTrap is providing a solution for periodontitis, one of most abundant and neglected infectious disease worldwide.
The evening guided us in a very exciting journey through latest available innovative (digital) technologies and smart solutions to apply to a wide-spectrum of diseases.
Our next BioRN lounge will be on July 23 as usual in the Kasselhaus by Urban Kitchen and will host Birgit Kerber (Business Development Manager, EMBL Enterprise Management Technology Transfer GmbH (EMBLEM)).
About BioRN
BioRN is the science and industry cluster of the Rhine/Main/Neckar region around Heidelberg, one of Germany’s strongest biotech hubs. It is a non-profit network fostering health innovations and serving its members by creating a rich translational ecosystem as well as promoting, representing and connecting the regional innovation stakeholders.
Our vision is to develop the region into a world-leading life science cluster attracting international investments and top global talent.