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The Cultivated B. GmbH

Biotechnology - R&D Services


AgBio I Food I Industrial Biotech

The Cultivated B. (TCB) is breaking new ground in the development of advanced biotechnology and bioengineering to enhance access to plant and cell-based alternative protein sources. TCB’s growing multinational team of scientists uses cellular agriculture, precision fermentation, and new approaches in bioreactor technology to drive forward the cultivated meat, food production, and personal care industries. By providing pioneering technology, TCB enriches the alternative protein and agritech industries and enables other companies to produce alternative proteins at an industrial scale. By utilizing TCB’s research and development capabilities, the parent company, InFamily Foods, will transform into a fully integrated food producer focusing on technology, innovation, and sustainable production serving future generations. With a fundamental commitment to minimizing the natural resources used, TCB is paving the way to a sustainable future locally, regionally, and globally.

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