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BioRN Lounge with AI Health Innovation Cluster

“Put the word Artificial Intelligence (AI) in your presentation title and become visible” Is this enough?

The AI Health Innovation Cluster wants to make the hidden AI treasure ‘made in’ Heidelberg and Mannheim visible to the world. It aims to build a world-leading AI community in medicine and health.

Klaus Maier-Hein spoke at BioRN Lounge on May 23, to share the vision and mission of the newly founded AI Health Innovation Cluster.

The Cluster has been launched as part of the Heidelberg Mannheim Health & Life Science Alliance. DKFZ, EMBL, the Max Planck Institute for Biomedical Research, Heidelberg University and the University Clinics Heidelberg and Mannheim together with the Central Institute for Mental Health have joined forces to promote cutting-edge research for AI applications in medicine and health. The network seeks to excel the potential in modern health sciences in the Rhine-Neckar-Metropolitan region, combining the excellence and expertise of these renowned research and health institutions.

Their main objectives are

  • Establish a competitive funding of bridge projects and interdisciplinary projects at the interface of medicine, AI, infrastructures and legal issues.

  • Operate a think tank to develop an overarching strategy for research in the field of AI methods and infrastructures, but also ethical-legal challenges

  • Central support activities from central competence teams, overarching project management structure



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